viernes, 15 de mayo de 2009

T- shirts

The t-shirts was invented in 1700.
before the people didnt have t-shirts, they use a piece of cloth.
The t-shirts, little by little were changing,
beacuse every time the people invented better cloth, and the quality of the t-shirt was chaning

for example: lycra, denim etc..
also the t-shirts have parts, for example: buttons, zip, pocket etc..

I think that is a good invent because you dont have cold.

written by Melanie Tyrkiel.

1 comentario:

  1. Good job! Just correct: "Before people didn´t ...they wore a..." "Little by little t-shirts ...time people...changing, for..." " And also t-shirts ... zips, pockets, etc..." "... invention because you are not cold."
