domingo, 31 de mayo de 2009


The mouse was invented in 1963 by Douglas Engelbart of Investigation's Institute of Stanford's university.

While, Bill English, was the creator of the original mouse, which possesses a central ball in 1972, when itworks for Xerox PARC.

The mouse created is a device prompter. It is in use with one of the hands of the user and detects his relative movement, being reflected generally across an arrow in the monitor.

BY: Camila Isman and Priscila Selener

martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

The mobile phone

The mobile phone was created by Motorola in the starts at the beginning of the Second World War, when the communication was fundamental. Between this time and 1985 it started to improve and people could comunnicate not taking into account distance. Generally it was used for businessmen. And this is how the mobile phone was created.With the time, the mobile phone was became accessible to all the people.

The strange camera..

This is a very, very strange camera. It was invented in the U.S.A, in the year 2006 .
This is a camera with bluetooth. That means that one can move photos from your camera to another camera differently.
When one takes a picture, it leaves the camera instantly, without having to develop it.The photos come out with the color that you want.
You can choose from several color options for the photos, and one option is sepia, another one is white and black, and there are two other options: natural and normal.

This strange camera is touch.

Nicole Czerwaki, Stephanie Arditi and Melanie Cohen.

The "Mobile Phones"

The first mobile phone did not have internet, or a camara. It was very big, and heavy, so they generaly were in vehicles.
The first appeared in the Second World War, when Motorola invented the Handie Talkie H12-16, that was an equipment that allowed the contact with the troops.
The evolution of the mobile phone qualifies in 6 groups. (0G - 1G - 2G - 2.5 G - 3G - 4G)

Between the years 1985 and nowadays the mobile phone evolved a lot.
Nowadays we can send a text, or an image in three seconds or less, we can take photos, and record everything we want, Also we can listen to our music or play amazing games. But don´t forget to charge your mobile phone, if not your mobile phone won´t work

By: Gastón Waisgold

lunes, 25 de mayo de 2009

water closet

The true is:
The Egyptians do it 4000 ears ago but don´t have the tools that do now. it was advancing Happenning the time.
This is a very practic object because it eliminates the urine. If it don´t eliminates the urine our houses have very much smell.
Actually we all have one in our houses in the bath and somepeople adorns it to be more beautiful.this is the story of the water closet.

By:Damián Teplitz and Matías Bobek

sábado, 23 de mayo de 2009


The Windscreen-wiper story begins in 1903 when Mary Anderson was driving in her little car and the snow, water and rubbish were in her glass. drivers had to stop their cars and clean their windscreens, but Mary had a a great idea. She bought some rubber, a little wire, and made one wiper;then she put a mechanism,put in on her glass and it was all, she could clean the glass from inside her car.
All of her friends, told her, "Mary you should patent this amazing thing", but mary didn't want this. Years later, Henry Ford heard about this invention and he windscreen-wipers on a Ford T and then in 1908 all Ford cars came with this, and , in 1916 all the other cars also had...inventionand , in 1916 all the other cars also had this
brilliant invent.

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2009

T- shirts

The t-shirts was invented in 1700.
before the people didnt have t-shirts, they use a piece of cloth.
The t-shirts, little by little were changing,
beacuse every time the people invented better cloth, and the quality of the t-shirt was chaning

for example: lycra, denim etc..
also the t-shirts have parts, for example: buttons, zip, pocket etc..

I think that is a good invent because you dont have cold.

written by Melanie Tyrkiel.

Air conditioner!!

It is so easy in the modern world to take air conditioning for granted.

It has not always been this way. Air conditioning was, in days gone by, a preserve of the rich. Even as far back as Ancient Egypt and Ancient Persia, some form of primitive air conditioning system was in use in the palaces of the wealthy aristocrats. These early air conditioning units were based on using water, sometimes in conjunction with cold air, to cool the brickwork of the buildings. This kind of use for a valuable resource such as water, especially in the desert, was extravagant in the extreme and obviously only available to the ruling classes.

The major breakthrough in the history of air conditioning came from the famous British inventor and scientist Michael Faraday. Faraday's research proved that it was possible to compress and liquefy ammonia and then use the liquefied ammonia to cool the air by having it evaporate. It was nearly a century after Faraday, however, that the first serious application of this kind of technology was seen. This was not used to control the temperature of rooms, but to regulate temperature and humidity in commercial printing processes. Air conditioning technology evolved from this, to be applied in the regulation of temperature in rooms and buildings.

The term “air conditioning” did not actually exist until 1906. Stuart W. Cramer, a textile mill owner, first used it. Cramer had been experimenting with ways to ameliorate the effects of the dry air created by his industrial processes. The patent he filed had used the term in conjunction with “water conditioning”, which had already become a well-known and often-used term in the textile industry.

In recent years, the reputation of air conditioning technology has taken a severe blow. The gases used in the early days of air conditioning were very similar to the ammonia first used by Michael Faraday. These highly toxic chemicals were potentially lethal should they have escaped into the atmosphere. It was obviously necessary to try to produce a far safer alternative. The types of gas developed in the 1920s - chlorofluorocarbons and hydro fluorocarbons - were far safer to human beings and were used in many different types of air conditioning system in the twentieth century. Towards the end of the century it emerged that these gases were harmful to the earth's ozone layer and again the need has arisen for alternatives to be developed. The future of air conditioning now looks promising, with ozone harming gases eliminated and a commitment to improving the energy efficiency of air conditioning systems.

I think that the invention of the air conditioner is very usefull, because it's help us to be in comfort on a hot or cold day.

Barbara Carmona 2N

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

The history of the Pencil.

I'm going to write about the pencil's inventor. His name remains unknown but Honrad van Gesner (1516-1565) published in 1565 an article about an instrument that you can use to write. The pencil consists of a bar of graphite placed inside a wooden frame.

But this is not the only version of the pencil's story. Other people say that in 1564, a tree was thrown down by a storm in Cumberland, England. Under the place where the roots had been there was a mass of some substance. This mass was graphite.

Today the pencil is an elemental instrument from everybody.

I don't know what the true story is but they are very interesting and they explain how did the pencil appear.


lunes, 4 de mayo de 2009

The bicycle

We Will investigate about the history of the bicycle.

The bicycle is a vehicle that has pedals with two wheels , one behind the other. A person who rides a bicycle is called a bicyclist.

The bicycle was invented in the 19th century. It is the principal mean of transportation in many regions. They have been adapted for many ages.

The invention of the bicycle has had an enormous impact on society.The modern industrial production advanced. Several components that eventually played a key role in the development of the automobile were originally invented for the bicycle.

Julián Dascal - Kevin Schestatzky - Matías Pluda

The History of the Telephone

We are going to write about the history of the telephone.The people who invented it were Graham Bell and Elisha Gray.
It was invented in 1870.

Graham Brell got the idea when he wanted to talk to his friend that was in a different place than him .Then he got another idea... The telephone.
At the beginning, the telephone was connected by a wire, When the years passed by there was no need to connect it with a wireless, it was inalambric.
You can use your inalambric telephone in your office or in your house
Telephone is a revolutionary invention because it is the most useful invention in the world.
We never know when something better is going to appear in our lives.
Technology is always changing to give us something better!!